Letting Love rise up does not mean a particular feeling of Love - which are valid - but Love as Connection, or Union. Union seeks Union. As a Chaplain I find myself called back to this starting point, again and again, partly for I find myself not trusting the Process of Connection. With some persons Love happens easily, with others it takes time, with others it cannot happen - yet, Love is always present, not dependent on receptivity or not - even as the Sun shines upon one who would refuse to acknowledge It.
Even allowing Love to arise does not mean the Connection will manifest. The Connection is already present, for we already are Together, already One. Yet, this does not guarantee Love will happen.
Sometimes, the Connection, or Love, remains dormant, simply for persons involved are not prepared to allow Love to arise. We allow the space, and we need not push for Love to happen in that space. Sometimes, emptiness will simply be emptiness, not the emptiness that is at the same time fullness. Allow. Allow. Allow. And accept you are a participant but not in charge and cannot ever create the Connection happening. You yourself can still be present to those who allow you to be. In this, being there means you are an invitation, a witness, a radiance of Love seen or unseen.
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*Embracing the Light, Fe Langdon, Flickr
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*Lotus of the Heart is a Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi ~ a Hospice Chaplain, interspiritual author, writer, poet, and bicyclist. He is someone in love with Life and inviting others to that same ecstasy of Love ~ and, by the way, herein is nothing he claims as his own.